Assist Unit Director with management and coordination of patient care and staff development.Providesdirectcare topatientsonassigned unit using thenursing process of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation.Functionsand performs all technical aspects of nursing care within the framework of established policies and procedures of PRMC.Responsible for managing care of assigned patients and guidingand directing the activities of ancillary staff.May functionas a charge nurse.Functions on the nursing unit as assistant to the physician.
ACLS?required within 3 monthsof hireand continuously thereafter. PALS ?required within3monthsof hireand continuouslythereafter. Handle with Care ? required within 6 months of hire and annually thereafter.
Experience:2-4 years emergencynursing experience preferred.Requirescritical thinking skills, decisive judgement,andtheability toworkwithminimalsupervision.Must beabletoworkinastressful environment andtakeappropriate action.Ability tocommunicate bothorally and inwriting and toconductselfin acourteousandprofessional manner.Abilitytoguideanddirectactivities and stafftoprovideoptimalpatientcare.Utilizesthenursing processasaframeworkforpatientcare while recognizing the dignity and worth of each patient.Collaborates with other health care membersto maintain a multidisciplinaryapproach to patient care.